Monique Beuk


As a fourth generation, I work in our beautiful Royal family business. I fulfill the position of CEO with pride and pleasure. My expertise is in the field of Management, Marketing and Communication. I like to use social media as a communication tool, do not lose sight of the importance of offline media and I prefer personal contact.

Based on our involvement in the international MICE industry, I am part of the Marketing Board of the Noordwijk Marketing Foundation. I am also a board member of the Noordwijkse Ondernemers Vereniging (NOV), as well as secretary of the Noordwijk Ondernemersfonds, Horeca and Tourism Association.

I'm not in charge every day. As a mother of two wonderful lads, one-of-a-kind twins, of which I don't want to miss puberty. :)

Can I help you with anything?

Then you know where to find me now.