Quality as a priority
Royal Beuk is affiliated with the organizations below to fulfill our slogan 'Without detour the best'. Membership is only granted to companies that meet all the set standards with regard to safety, the environment, compliance with collective labor agreements and sector-specific legislation and regulations.

Koninklijk Nederlands Vervoer is the employers' association for professional goods and passenger transport. The quality and efficiency of professional transport is of great importance for the economy and employment. In order to continue to draw attention to the (inter) national importance of professional transport, KNV is actively lobbying governments. Terms and Conditions.
ISO 9001
The Beuk quality system has been set up in accordance with the international standard for the ISO 9001:2008 quality management system. With this ISO standard, Beuk underlines its reputation in the field of quality control.

People have been traveling around the globe for centuries, for pleasure or for business, both individually and in groups. The Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging Reisagenten (General Dutch Travel Agents Association) is therefore a trade association and not a consumer organization. The core tasks of the ANVR are: Aviation, Image & Lobby, Consumer Affairs, Standardization and Labor Affairs & Education.

SGRZ is a guarantee fund for the business market. SGRZ offers a guarantee for the insolvency of providers of group and incentive trips (MICE), school trips and business trips. The clients of these trips are companies, companies, groups, etc. For the exact conditions, see the guarantee scheme of SGRZ.

International Air Transport Association is an umbrella body to which the majority of airlines are affiliated. IATA aims to streamline the rates and guarantees the cash flows between airlines and travel agents. Only carefully selected agents can qualify for an official IATA accreditation.

Society for Incentive Travel Excellence is a worldwide network of dedicated event professionals. SITE is the only authority that knows how to turn the experiences of event professionals into improved business results. The network of SITE professionals brings 'best-in-class' solutions, insights and connections between different sectors.

The Calamiteitenfonds pays the extra costs that arise because a trip is adjusted. If the trip must be interrupted, the fund will provide a reimbursement for the unused travel days. This can happen if, for example, there is a natural disaster at your destination that has to end your holiday.